Indranil Bhattacharya (42.2 kms)

Indranil Bhattacharya

Will be my 50th Marathon

It is here at Zurich marathon that my crazy runner seed was planted and for this I have lots and lots of gratitude for team Asha and this venue. To express this gratitude, I would be again attempting to run the 42.2 km. Of all the races, that I plan to run throughout the year, running for team Asha in the Zurich Marathon is very special and dear to me.

Asha Zurich volunteers are super dedicated individuals who give in their free time, energy and efforts to raise funds for various child education projects in India. I really admire them for all the work that they do.

Friends, raising funds is not easy. You as a donor are entitled to ask multiple questions: if the money will be spent properly, if all the money will be spent, I don’t even know the kid or the school etc. etc. It is absolutely fair to raise all the questions and you should. However, if you know me and if I do complete the full distance (without taking any short cuts) then could please donate for my run. I promise, I will send you a thank you note in return.

Whether you donate or not, I would still invite you for the "running" party along the Zurich lake on 13th April. Who knows, maybe next year you will be the one running for team Asha.

Let us together spread the light of education and let us make sure that it keeps burning.

Kindly provide the information below.

Name :

Email :

Comments :

Select / Insert the amount you wish to donate :
 Fixed amount (in CHF 
CHF 126.6(3 CHF/km)
CHF 211(5 CHF/km)
CHF 422(10 CHF/km)
CHF 844(20 CHF/km)
approx 1 CHF = 93 INR / 1 EUR / 1.1 USD

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