Rajdeep Deb
(10 kms)
Fund raised so far CHF 100
Rajdeep Deb

Dear Friends,

Like previous years, we are again running with an aim to raise funds for our schools in India. Each of our schools are managed by dedicated NGOs who work for underprivileged children's' education.
They also teach children about health aspects, sustainable development, rights in constitution etc. Working in different Asha Zurich projects, I could see how a small amount of 40 CHF/year can provide quality education, healthy meal and health care for a child in different parts of India.

Our schools are working in the field to bring back underprivileged children to school, to keep them motivated and provide quality education. Our organization is dependent on your charity and therefore, we are requesting you to help us to run our schools

Kindly provide the information below.

Name :

Email :

Comments :

Select / Insert the amount you wish to donate :
 Fixed amount (in CHF 
CHF 30(3 CHF/km)
CHF 50(5 CHF/km)
CHF 100(10 CHF/km)
CHF 200(20 CHF/km)
approx 1 CHF = 97 INR / 1 EUR / 1.12 USD

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